How to Transform Your Living Room with an Elegant Fireplace Feature
Nothing says elegance quite like a fireplace feature in your living room.
Can A Fireplace Heat A Whole House?
The warm glow of a burning fireplace adds an ambience that creates a sense of warmth and well being.
Can A Property With No Chimney Still Have A Real Fire?
In short, yes! But there is a lot more too it and it is important to understand the details before jumping ahead and ordering a new wood burning stove or fire. Modern Homes These days a lot of homes are built quite understandably without chimneys. While many homes come with gas fires the flue tends…
4 Tips For Making Your Home More Environmentally Friendly
More than ever, homeowners are increasingly looking for ways to make their home more environmentally friendly.
5 Ways To Add Victorian Style
The Victorian era produced many stand out styles.